
The only thing keeping you away from your dream university is a well-crafted SOP—an SOP that can speak volumes about you and create an impression that makes you stand out from other applicants. Most students make the mistake of using a SOP for admission university samples from the internet and, hence, face rejection due to the unoriginality of their SOPs. Your SOP doesn’t have to be one of those, and for the same reason, we have compiled a complete 4-step guide that will help you write an SOP for mechanical engineering that is unique and compelling enough to get you admission into the university of your dreams.

Toolkit for SOP for mechanical engineering

Here, we have curated a toolkit that is sectioned into 4 paragraphs for a university SOP, along with examples that will help you write an SOP for mechanical engineering.

Action ItemPoints to be consideredExamples
Introduction (motivation and goals)What inclined you towards mechanical engineering?Childhood fascination with mechanics acted as a catalyst to inspire
Motivated to work at ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation)
What skill set associates you with mechanical engineering?Proficiency in CAD, AutoCAD, Python, and project management
Expertise in analysis and research in the field of physics
What is your objective in pursuing a career as a mechanical engineer?To establish an innovative company and become an entrepreneur
To become a mechanical engineer and work at ISRO
Body paragraph I (learning, execution, and impact) Shed light on your academic backgroundB.E. in mechanical engineering from Stella Mary’s College, Chennai
B.Sc. in Physics from Fergusson College, Pune
Shed light on your professional backgroundCAD intern at Valeo, Chennai
6-months work experience as a CAD intern at Gurutvaa Systems Private Limited
Shed light on your academic and professional accomplishmentsBecame skilled in CAD data management and quality control, enhanced project management skills
Secured a position in the top 10 projects at the India Science Festival 2021, knowledge of AutoCAD with enhanced mechanical designing skills
Body paragraph II (why course, why university)Why do you wish to get a masters degree in mechanical engineering?For acquiring advanced skills in the field of mechanical engineering
To get specialized knowledge to become a mechanical engineer
Provide your reason for choosing this particular courseDue to the availability of research internship opportunities within the course module
Due to its emphasis on integrated industrial training in all the courses
Provide your reason for choosing this particular college/universityDue to the university’s research-oriented teaching and industry links
Provides with the opportunity to choose from a vast amount of elective courses besides program-related subjects
Provide your reason for being a valuable addition to the college/universityStrong science and robotics background which help in participating in the science club
Contribute to the physics department by working as a part-time research assistant
Conclusion (closing statement)Shed light on your short-term goalsTo secure a position as a mechanical engineer at a multinational corporation
To get placed in a German firm as a mechanical engineer
Shed light on your long-term goalsEntrepreneurship and creating sustainable and innovative products
To secure a job position as a mechanical engineer in ISRO
Shed light on your future contribution to society as a mechanical engineerTo design products for a greener future and combating climate change
To work towards the advancement of science and space technology for home country

Sample SOP for a student with a background in mechanical engineering

This is a sample SOP for MS in mechanical engineering in Germany for Technical University of Munich

“Manufacturing is more than just putting parts together. It’s coming up with ideas, testing principles, and perfecting the engineering as well as the final assembly.” - James Dyson

Growing up I had always been fascinated by the world of mechanics; to me, it was the concept of how things stand still and operate in the real world which filled me with curiosity. As a kid, I was very fond of dismantling and then assembling my toys; it was the mechanics of the toys that interested me rather than playing with them. This curiosity led me to design and take on several projects as part of my school’s science club. One such project of assembling a Van De Graaff generator that bagged me first position during my elementary school made me realize that I wanted to be a mechanical engineer. I believe that by pursuing a career in mechanical engineering, I can incorporate the knowledge of the latest technologies to develop new and innovative products. With mechanical engineering entering its innovative sphere, I see a purposeful career and look forward to embarking on an entrepreneurial journey, which I believe can be achieved with my proficiency in design software such as AutoCAD and my programming knowledge of Python, owing to my academic background.

The first step towards materializing my dream of becoming a mechanical engineer was when I started my undergraduate degree in B.E. Mechanical Engineering from Stella Mary's College of Engineering, Nagercoil.My undergraduate studies paved the way for me to get placed as a CAD intern in Valeo, Chennai. During my internship, I worked with 2D and 3D models on CAD, adhering to quality tools and checklists. My internship experience made me skilled in CAD data management and quality control while enhancing my project management skills. In my 9-month work experience, I realized that in order to get a job at a senior position as a mechanical engineer, I lack some of the skills that I can learn by earning a masters degree in my field.

To act upon my decision, I decided to study mechanical engineering in Germany owing to the exposure to German mechanical firms. I decided to pursue an MS in mechanical engineering in Germany from the Technical University of Munich, for which I have submitted all the required documents. I believe that joining the Technical University of Munich will further provide me with the budding environment required to grow more in the field of mechanical engineering, with its research internship opportunities within the course module. One of the cornerstones of the Technical University of Munich’s is the Munich Student Union Job Portal which provides placements to its students with partnership with a private placement agency called Die Job-Börse for full-time as well as part-time jobs. For a student like me who aspires to work for the world's largest companies, such as Bosch, the Technical University of Munich will help me move a step closer to accomplishing my goal and nurture my skills due to its placements across the world.Moreover, I believe that my knowledge of science and robotics will make me a valuable addition to the university’s science club, and I look forward to actively participating in and contributing to the same along with my studies.

I am convinced that the academic knowledge I acquired during my master's degree will help me achieve my long-term and short-term goals. My short-term goal is to work at a reputable multinational giant where I can put my skills to the test by engaging in design, development, and maintenance of diverse mechanical devices. Working at an MNC will not only challenge me in a professional workfront, but also provide me with the opportunity to work with teams and clients from all over the world, broadening my perspective and enhancing my intercultural communication skills.Besides this, my longer goal, inspired by my idol James Dyson, is to start my own company and come up with a line of products that are innovative and laden with the latest features. I aim to embody the entrepreneurial spirit in me and build a workplace that gives wings to innovative engineers throughout the world.On a larger note, I hope that I put in cumulative efforts to design and develop a line of products that combat climate change contributing to a sustainable and greener future for our upcoming generations.I believe that pursuing an M.Sc. in mechanical engineering from the Technical University of Munich will become the foundation to drive me towards my aspirations and future success.

Sample SOP for a student with a different background

This is a sample SOP for MS in mechanical engineering in Germany for The Hamburg University of Technology

"Look at the sky. We are not alone. The whole universe is friendly to us and conspires only to give the best to those who dream and work." - Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

In Dr. Kalam’s “Wings of Fire”, his perseverance to work towards his mission despite all the hardships inspired me to write an essay on ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) that won the school science essay prize. While researching for my essay, for the first time, I found a career prospect where I could incorporate my love for physics and keep doing the same for the rest of my life. To the younger me, ISRO was the only place that I had ever imagined being at. And to work towards the same, I pursued a B.Sc. in Physics to engage in the field of applied physics and work ahead as a scientist in ISRO. However, during my time as an undergraduate student, I realized the diverse disciplines that come under a scientist’s work at ISRO. Consequently, while narrowing down job opportunities at ISRO, I found the position of mechanical engineer to be the perfect match for me. I felt so because working as a mechanical engineer would allow me to get involved in the design, development, and testing of spacecraft components.This aligns with my interest and expertise in analysis, and research in physics that I have developed over the years.I believe that getting a masters degree in mechanical engineering would help me realize my dream of working as a mechanical engineer at ISRO.

From an early age, my initial passion lay in physics. That is why, as a school student, I always viewed physics more as a subject that provided me with theoretical knowledge and as a tool that helped me understand the world in a better way. On the academic front, I excelled in my studies and went on to study science in junior college. Likewise, I studied a Bachelor of Science from Fergusson College, Pune, with a major in physics.While exploring other subfields in physics, I attended a workshop on mechanical engineering during the summer semester at my college. Over there, I learned to use AutoCAD software and design projects with its help. This, in turn, allowed me to participate in several science competitions and exhibitions, helping me find a creative side within me. With enhanced design skills, I managed to secure a position in the top 10 projects at the India Science Festival 2021. This achievement of mine solidified my interest in mechanical engineering,owing to which I gained 6-months of work experience at Gurutvaa Systems Private Limited as a CAD intern after the completion of my graduate degree. The hands-on experience over there provided me with the opportunity to brush off my mechanical designing skills, which, in turn, made me confident in my decision to transition to mechanical engineering from science.

This shift led me to apply for a masters degree in mechanical engineering from The Hamburg University of Technology to get specialized knowledge to become a mechanical engineer. My decision to choose The Hamburg University of Technology for my masters programs was due to its emphasis on integrated industrial training in all the courses.I believe that a masters program with integrated industrial training will give me an opportunity to network with people in my field and sharpen my skills before entering the workforce. Moreover, I am highly impressed with The Hamburg University of Technology’s option to choose from a vast amount of elective courses. This will allow me to study elective courses of Engineering Materials and Biomechanics besides the program-related subjects. While studying over there, I wish to contribute to the university by working as a part-time research assistant in my department and contributing to the field of physics.

I believe that earning a masters degree from The Hamburg University of Technology will serve as a crucial step in achieving my short and long-term goals on my journey to become a mechanical engineer. My short-term goal after the completion of my degree will be to get placed in a German firm as a mechanical engineer, where I will get the opportunity to apply and enhance my learnings from the degree to actual projects. Looking ahead, my long-term vision involves getting sufficient experience to secure a job position as a mechanical engineer in ISRO. While my job position at ISRO in a way would fulfill my career goals, but on a larger note, I believe that working at my home country’s national space related development agency would make my work more rewarding and fulfilling.In addition, my career at ISRO will help me work towards the advancement of science and space technology and contribute to the development of my country.I, therefore, plan to further change my course and create a worthwhile career as a mechanical engineer by applying my knowledge of physics from my masters degree at The Hamburg University of Technology.

How to write an SOP for mechanical engineering

Here, we have provided you with an in-depth explanation of how to write an SOP for mechanical engineering.

Introduction (motivation and goal)

Use a hook line to keep your SOP reader glued from the very beginning. Your hook could either be an inspirational quote or a problem faced by mechanical engineers in today’s time. Additionally, mention your long-term goals with respect to the skill sets that made you choose mechanical engineering as a career option.

Checklist for writing introduction:

  • Hook (quote related to mechanical engineering)
  • Source of motivation
  • Long-term goal
  • Reason to pursue the course
  • Unique aspects about your personality
  • Future goals

Body paragraph I (learning, execution, and impact)

In this section, give a brief description of your academic and professional background. Here, you’ll need to specify how specific experiences in your academic and professional life impacted your decision to choose mechanical engineering as your profession. Make sure that you are very specific about your examples, as they show that your SOP is genuine and a reflection of your life experiences.

Checklist for writing body paragraph I:

  • Academic accomplishments
  • Professional accomplishments
  • Strengths and weaknesses
  • Impact of all the cumulative experiences
  • In case of a fresher, talk about internships and volunteerships

Body paragraph II (why course, why university)

Moving onto the next body paragraph, your main emphasis should be to convince the university that you will be a valuable addition for them. You will have to talk about this along with giving them an explanation of how you have the knowledge required to become a mechanical engineer.

Checklist for writing body paragraph II:

  • The skills and knowledge you know related to mechanical engineering
  • Why this particular college/university?
  • What do you like about the college/university?
  • How can you be a valuable addition to the college/university?

Conclusion (closing statement)

The concluding paragraph includes a detailed explanation of your planned career trajectory with respect to the course of mechanical engineering. Make sure that you mention your short and long-term goals, along with highlighting how you expect to contribute to society as a mechanical engineer. Before finalizing your SOP, take a quick read and be mindful of some dos and don’ts on how to write a statement of purpose.

Checklist for writing conclusion:

  • Path to achieve your career goals (short-term and long-term goals)
  • What after the course (long-term goals)
  • Contribution towards the society

Wrap Up

To wrap up, an SOP for mechanical engineering follows the basic structure, which includes four paragraphs: an introduction, the first body paragraph, the second body paragraph, and a closing statement. It’s important that you follow all the necessary steps and stick to the guidelines that are mentioned in the SOP guide to craft an SOP that will help you get a degree in mechanical engineering from your dream university.


Why should you choose mechanical engineering?

Mechanical engineering, also known as the mother of all engineering branches as its study is extremely broad, diverse, and more application-based, provides you with a vast range of opportunities to choose from. A mechanical engineering course is a branch of engineering that is more focused on physics and mathematics, which builds a mechanical engineer’s acumen to design, analyze, and manufacture mechanical components.

Why is SOP important?

An SOP is an important document required by universities for the application of international students. Your SOP includes a description of your academic and professional background, along with your achievements during that time. You provide this information to the university to show them your background knowledge and skills align with your future goals and make you a great candidate for the course you wish to pursue.

How long should an SOP be?

The length of a university SOP can vary from anywhere around 600 to 1000 words. Make sure that you do not go under 600 words or go over 1000 words.

What should be the tone of an SOP?

While writing an SOP, try to be your authentic self, who is trying to have a conversation with the university authorities as if you’re giving an interview. Keep in mind to have a conversational tone devoid of any informal or colloquial language that doesn’t make you come across as very straightforward. Moreover, be mindful of not using ambiguous words to describe the university, staff, or your background; rather, try to use words that are less flowery and more to the point.

Recommended Readings

How to Write SOP for Civil Engineering with Sample SOP

SOP for Australia - How to Write an Effective SOP for Australia